
Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

TIPS Buy BlackBerry Second USED

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

BlackBerry is a gadget that is phenomenal. Although prices are not cheap, thousands of people willing to queue to buy it. Blackberry secondhand or second is the right choice for you who have limited funds but still want to have a BB.
But you have to be careful! Many things to know than to be sorry later. Although the former is still not the price is not cheap.
Read articles tips until they run out before the second ex-bought blackberries following and secured a deep sleep as she dreams ngelonin BB:)
Buying Tips Used Blackberry
Buying a used BlackBerry is not as simple as buying a used mobile phones more. Do not be fooled. There are several things you should look at before deciding to buy it.
You obviously need to thoroughly examine the specifications of its products. The reason, many end users can not access the service altogether because the PIN disuspen (rejected) or previous use of different types of carrier services (PIN has not been released).
Buying Tips Used Blackberry Second 1
One easy way in matters of this specification can be done by doing WIPE BlackBerry alias manually reset the device to the previously existing data could be lost. WIPE way is as follows:
Login menu OPTIONS>> SECURITY OPTIONS>> GENERAL SETTINGS>> Press the BlackBerry logo beside the green telephone image>> Select WIPE HANDHELD>> Enter the BlackBerry writing. WIPE process was running.
If the process is complete, then insert the SIM Card you can already access the BlackBerry service.
See the writing on gprs/edge/3g logo on the right side of your phone screen. If writing letters is still small, most likely disuspen phone PIN. This method can also ensure that the next memory is blank, no longer filled with a variety of applications built from the previous owner.
Tips to buy blackberries former two
On the other hand, you could also try to enlarge the capital was to enter the menu OPTIONS, then ADVANCED OPTIONS, then HOST ROUTING TABLE, and then click on the symbol of the BlackBerry, and then select the menu REGISTER NOW.
If this is done two ways and still small letters, it is probable suspension of personnel identification number / PIN is still going on so the BlackBerry former can only call and SMS. Buyers resale units is equally important to check the IT policy by doing the following:
Tips to buy BlackBerry former Second 3
Login menu OPTIONS>> SECURITY OPTIONS>> FIREWALL. If it says enabled with the logo of a red padlock beside it, then the former hit the BlackBerry Internet policy of the previous users.
Previous policies, such as the BlackBerry Entreprise Service (BES), will make you unable to access internet services outside the specified thus comfort surfing the internet will be disrupted.
Thus, two key ingredients used in buying the BlackBerry PIN is to ensure that no disuspen and the service is free of user policies previously (PIN has been released).Another procedure that is no less important is the attention to the suitability PIN number and IMEI in the status menu in the box with your BlackBerry.
If it turns out differently, it is advisable not to buy rather than a nuisance in the future.Another suggestion, is tantamount to buying a mobile phone standard. For example the condition of the goods (smooth or not), quality microphone, keypad layout, the effect of the vibrator, and others.
What is clear, buy a BlackBerry or used not as simple as buying a used mobile phones more. Do not be fooled!
This article is also summarized in the book "BlackBerry for Everyone" by Muhammad Sufyan, who live in Bandung
Sources: detikinet, Picture: comparatio.com


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